Thursday, May 27, 2010

Evergreen Park

(written on January 29th 2018) *Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own (unless otherwise captioned under). I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.
~ Nissa Rae

COST:  Free

* Note *  This is no longer what the park playground looks like.  It is now set up with new equipment that is "all abilities accessible" and it's glorious!

We moved to Washington State in 2010 and we ended up living in a house on the water which was literally a block away from Evergreen Park. It was really nice being so close to the park.  Especially with little kids that needed to run off extra energy ...

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Thanks for leaving some LOVE!