Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kin to the Vikings...

(Written on January 25, 2018) *Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own (unless otherwise captioned under). I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.
~ Nissa Rae

We live in this nice little area of a four city corner of the world.  Bremerton and Silverdale run into each other.  Port Orchard is on one side of Bremerton (closer to the Ship Yard) and Poulsbo is on the other side of Silverdale/Bremerton... closer to where my Mom works.  Then there are other small towns along side, and mixed in... Banger the Naval Military Base. Navy Yard City (closest to where I live) is the Ship Yard Military Base.... There is also Tracyton, and Illahee, and Brownsville... lots of little nooks and crannies ...

Each area has their shick ... Bremerton has a few festivals ... downtown and on the water front...  for example... Bremerton has the Blackberry Festival in late summer....  Silverdale has Whaling Days in July...  and Poulsbo has Viking Fest during May....

Let's discuss for a moment here .... my heritage.  Now, when I first saw downtown Poulsbo it was amazing.  Not many places have a "theme" for their city...  but Poulsbo does....

(taken from Wikipedia) 

Founded by Norwegian immigrant Jorgen Eliason in the 1880s, Poulsbo was settled in its early years by a large number of Norwegian and other Scandinavian immigrants because of its similarities to their native countries.[7] In 1886, I.B. Moe, one of the early Norwegian settlers, suggested that the community should have a post office. Moe suggested the town be named Paulsbo (which translates as "Paul's place"), after the Norwegian village where Moe spent his early years. The community's petition for a post office was granted and Moe became the first postmaster, but authorities in Washington, D.C. misspelled the town's name, likely misreading Moe's handwriting[citation needed], and the community became known as Poulsbo thereafter. Poulsbo was incorporated on Dec. 18, 1907.

Until World War II, many Poulsbo residents retained Norwegian as a primary language. However, during World War II, the military constructed about 300 residential units to provide housing for workers at the nearby Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, located in Bremerton, Washington. The population of Poulsbo almost tripled over three years, and the diversification of the population led to the dominance of English as the primary language.

On Oct. 22, 1975, King Olav V of Norway visited Poulsbo as part of the celebration of 150 years of Norwegian settlement in the United States.[8] His son, Harald, visited 20 years later.

A little bit of Poulsbo history.  ^^^ up there.

Anyway, I found out, about ten years into my genealogy research, that not only are we Norwegian (on my maternal Grandfather's line) but we also are related to the early kings of England (on my maternal Grandmother's side) ... which goes back to Rollo a Viking King.  People don't understand how amazing and rare this sort of thing is, and we're very excited about this!  My oldest son adores this fact.

At the time we went to our first Viking Fest .... we didn't know this!

So here are some of the photos from our first Viking Fest in 2010 ... we haven't been able to make it back, but we hope to this year ....

COST:  Free
but of course the vendors and food stalls all cost money.... 

My Mom, little Noah, and Nathan being super brave ....

.... and oh so grouchy looking!!

Then we walked around the downtown shoppes and stores...  and there were a lot of Norwegian and Scandinavian themed shops, It is a very amazing place to just see.

There are these neighborhoods all over our area.  These almost identical, colorful, little homes  They remind me of the houses in the movie Cat in the Hat....

So I call them the Dr. Seuss Houses....

I think everyone enjoyed it.  We didn't have any money to do anything that cost anything, buy anything, or get food...  and there was supposed to be a Chopped type competition that DB had thought about signing up for, but they had canceled it due to lack of interest, I guess.


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