Sunday, January 20, 2019

Point No Point in Winter

After leaving Port Gamble (see previous blog) .... we went to POINT NO POINT (Lighthouse & Park)  .....

Miss Elly is super excited that our adventure isn't over.

There was a moment at Port Gamble where I questioned even coming out here because I knew that the whipping wind with the bone chill would be worse out here than in Port Gamble, lol...  but we decided to come out here anyway - which - I can't hate.  Though, eventually - everyone besides me ... was running for the wind breaking and heat supplying safety of the van. 

I was behind everyone going ....
.....   *click*
..............  *click*
................................. *click*


So a little about Point No Point ....   It is the oldest lighthouse on Puget Sound built in 1879 and first lit in 1880.  There is some fun and interesting history but I thought I would save that for the HISTORY OF POINT NO POINT blog that I will eventually write... 

So I'll say that Point No Point has a great little lighthouse museum and one of the interesting things inside the museum and gift shop is the different lights that were used in the lighthouse and basically the history of the different light bulbs used in light houses .... and they are pretty cool.  I mean I realize that they are just light bulbs........   really really big light bulbs, but still... light bulbs. 

Now, this isn't one of those super tall looming lighthouse on the bluffs and cliffs that is just impressive by size, it is a cute light house ... that isn't impressive in size, but is impressive in in EVERY OTHER WAY! 

We take EVERYONE we can out to Point No Point and various other places.  It's one of those places that is a "must go" ....  sadly when my best friend "sister" Lisa came out, I didn't know where it was ... bawhahahaha... but ...  WHEN SHE COMES BACK ....  I will be sure to bring her...

Anyway ....  history of Point No Point will eventually come....

Regardless ....  on with the day ... in photos ....

Calahan was the first one on the beach, and I managed to catch his reaction to seeing the waves (bigger than we're used to out here) ....

These two pictures (below) are kinda cool... if you look close enough - you can see some pretty cool water play ....  (the 2nd one over the log) ....

Calahan and Tina ....

Calahan, Tina & Elly

There are some pretty cool "driftwood" sculptures and chairs around the property and they are pretty cool.... I mean, really cool.... 

Elly, Tina and Calahan...

Tina and Calahan ...  I actually really love these pictures.... 

Especially this one....

Cal and Tina in front of the lighthouse ... the wind was REALLY whipping around and the people didn't seem to stop coming ... ha ha ha ....

Cal, Tina and Elly ...  LOL ....

One sailboat all lonely out on the water....

Someone is tired.... LOL.... OMG I love this little girl.  I'm so glad I'm her Nonna ....

Then we turned on beaty music and she started clapping .... this woke her up ... lol....

Here she is saying "Bub-bye!"

1 comment:

Thanks for leaving some LOVE!