Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Troll Adventure .... [part 4]

  (written on 5-24-21)

*Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own. (except the one I caption as being from Google) I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.
~ Nissa Rae

If you want to read the history and ALL the fun stuff .... go check out The Troll Adventure & History ....  [part 1]

You can see a lot from the road but there are rental properties, buildings and areas that serve as sites for business retreats, gatherings, parties, reunions, and weddings - among other things.  You can find out more information HERE at

I came across this little bench and when I stepped back, I realized it was sorta set up like a Viking Longship ... in a shorter form .... there are troll pillars on each side ... protecting those it houses. 

Clearly is a school bus stop, bus stop or just a nice little place to rest your toes....

One of the funniest - best captures - was this .......  "The Original SUV" with the horse posing right next to the sign.  Can't get better than that!! 

These are the no trespassing signs - keep and eye out - they are ALL over ...

A few random photography photos.....

Here is a peak at some of the things to come....

This is the mailbox!  I loooooove it! 

One of the ponds.

I saw this from the road .... 

So those were all the photos from the first half of the loop of the property.  We ended up going around to the beach - the boat dock area - and we stopped at the beach.  After the beach - we continued on ...

We just kept going up the road and holy crap!!  There are a couple of BEAUTIFUL homes - I think that these are both owned by the Bandy property....  I know the one is, I suspect, Neptune's Keep, which is pretty awesome.  It's an amazing looking house.  I was kind blow away by it.  If it's not Neptune's Keep - don't come for me, I am guessing .... sorta.... 

And then there was - what I believe to be the main house....This is called "The Lodge House" 

You can see more photos of the inside of this place if you go to the website and you click on properties and under - the very last link is "More Information and Pictures" ... click on it and scroll to the photos.

But I also believe that these are both rental properties..... short term - they are NOT cheap ... LOL

There was also this colorful trailer that I had to get a photo of.... not sure where or how this fits in LOL

Remember!!  If you started out here, be sure to check out the first part which is filled with the history!! Go check out The Troll Adventure & History ....  [part 1]

There is a part two also!!  The Troll Adventure .... [part 2]

And a part three!!  The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 3]


Yep.  Part five!    The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 5]

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