Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July 2011

We went to my Mom & Step-Dad's this 4th of July ...  My cousins Ashley had recently gotten some kittens, so they were a big deal all day ...

Gray Tabby = Bella
Black & White = Callie Jo
Tortoise Shell Calico = CeeCee

Kaedyn with Bella

Calahan with Cee-Cee

Nana holding Callie Joe and Bella so Nathan can pet them...

Outside playing.... 

Noah out on the back porch ....  sleeping!

Keya and Callie Jo ....

All three kittens, Belly has the green collar on, Cee-Cee has the yellow one on, and Callie Jo lost her's I think...

Nathan doing his flip he likes to do ...

On our way to Raelyn's for a 4th of July party/reception (they had just gotten married I believe) ....

Bubba passed out ...  I ended up sitting in the van with him so he could finish his nap ... 

Nathan is KING of the HILL!!!

Bubba <3

Noah, Calahan, Kaedyn, Ashley, Nana holding Nathan

Ashley watching Kaedyn and Nathan behind her on Nana's lap

Mr. Noah eating his fruit ...


The moon ....

A few fireworks.......

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