Sunday, June 27, 2010

Seattle Streets

(Written Feb. 14, 2018) *Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own (unless otherwise captioned under). I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.
~ Nissa Rae

So in June 2010 we went to the Aquarium.  We took the ferry over to Seattle and one of the things I wanted to do was have my boys, Calahan and Noah, stand under the Whale Arch that you cross a bridge and go under.  Calahan's favorite animal in the world is the Orca (Killer Whale) ...  so anything having to do with an Orca, I think of him.  So when we came out on of first trip out there (May 2001) ...  we took a picture of Calahan under the Whale Arch ...  (pic below)

(Below Pic is from June 2010)

A whale mural on one of the Seattle buildings that can be seen from the waterfront ...

The Crab Pot restaurant on the waterfront down in Seattle ... I don't eat seafood (allergies) ... the closest I've come to eating seafood is the breaded fish from a groceries freezer... LOL ... that's all I'll do, too...   My Hubby is deathly allergic to Lobster and other seafood, he walks down on the waterfront in Seattle on a busy stagnant or slightly windy day, and he's hacking from his throat swelling... it's THAT bad...  however, in a later post I will tell you about my sister's seafood experience here in Washington ... and how mind blown she was!

I love the banners around towns ....   Here is one for the Seattle Aquarium right outside of the building (they have them leading up tot he building normally)

A view of the snow capped Olympic Mountains from Seattle waterfront...

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