Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July 2012

This is our kitten Autumn that DB is holding.... she was pretty new to our family at the time and we didn't want to leave her home.

Of course we were cooking out at Nana & Papa's house!  Our typical 4th of July tradition ...

Mr. Nathan managed to get into one of the large barrels of water that were outside for the animals, and got wet and Nathan doesn't like being wet unless he's in a bath or a pool! LOL

Calahan mowed the lawn for his grandparents ....

Tried to get him to "air dry" ....

But it wasn't working....

But it was time to eat ....  NUMMYYYYY

And while we ate we dried Nathan's clothes in the dryer ....

And then he went back out and had some fun .... on his BUZZ LIGHTYEAR Bike... lol...

Kaedyn's Mickey Mouse one that played music .....

And we realized Noah's bike is too small for him now and he needs a more normal sized one!!

Nathan's other favorite pastime at Nana's ... and that's holding Nana's tablet hostage to do his bidding for pure entertainment!  Notice Autumn behind him on my Mom's little chair-side-table...

MORE FOOD!!!  Steaks, Chicken, Potatoes... corn on the cob!!  All kinda of yum!

Eating out on the patio ....  with Miss Sadie-Lady trying to be the "hot-dog-thief" that she is

After an amazing meal we went home.  Since we have two kids on the spectrum we do tend to avoid 1: large crowds and 2: loud noises.  Nathan needs his schedule and doesn't like deviating from it - so luckily you can see some fireworks from our yard.  So we'd go home, put Nathan to bed and let the other kids decide what they want to do ... 

Mr. Noah wanted to watch fireworks this year!!

Here are a few pictures I took from our patio - still trying to figure out how to get good pictures ...

Calahan, Noah and our neighbor Aaron outside watching .....  and Kaedyn too ....

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