Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Troll Adventure .... [part 8]

     (written on 5-26-21)

*Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own. (except the one I caption as being from Google) I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.
~ Nissa Rae

If you want to read the history and ALL the fun stuff .... go check out The Troll Adventure & History ....  [part 1]

You can see a lot from the road but there are rental properties, buildings and areas that serve as sites for business retreats, gatherings, parties, reunions, and weddings - among other things.  You can find out more information HERE at

So ALSO in the Zen Garden, are these beautiful things....

This is the back of - what looks like a Pub - to me.  It is called "The Antique Events Barn" 

NOTE:  pay attention to the tower windows!  Also - the moldings and boarders are of interest. 

The side facing the road.

The back of the building

The front of the building 

The Guard Troll - Ulysses 

The roof top crow 

This is Stanley the dragon head.... 

Pillars at the front door 

The front door......

Stanley again .....  (please know, these are just names I have made up) 

You can see more photos of the inside of this place if you go to the website and you click on properties and under - the very last link is "More Information and Pictures" ... click on it and scroll to the photos.

Across the street at the "Lodge House" property - is this bird house - I adore it ....

I love light fixtures. Old tall street lamps and such....  

This is the "GATE" ..... I mean .... are there even words? 

"The Gate Keepers Castle" .... it's reported to have a dungeon!  

You can see more photos of the inside of this place if you go to the website and you click on properties and under - the very last link is "More Information and Pictures" ... click on it and scroll to the photos.

It's mostly gated off - so I didn't get many photos of it .... 


This is in the parking area between the Barn (Pub) and Castle ..... 

This is out in the orchard near the Barn (Pub) 

This is out infront of the Barn (Pub) 

This eagle is in the parking lot.... 

This is also in the parking lot.  The Zen Garden is also ....

While I was walking the road to see if I could get photos of the Castle, I noticed this - looks like - road side stand.... super cute! 

Right next to one of the orchards.  

That pretty much concludes our tour of the area!!  So worth the drive even if you aren't going to use one of the rentals! But dayum .... if you can afford one of the rentals...... DO IT!!  I would! 

Remember!!  If you started out here, be sure to check out the first part which is filled with the history!! Go check out The Troll Adventure & History ....  [part 1]

There is a part two also!!  The Troll Adventure .... [part 2]

And a part three!!  The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 3]

Holy COW!  A part four! The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 4]

Yep.  Part five!    The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 5]

WOOT!  Part Six!  The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 6]

What the TROLL!  A part SEVEN?  The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 7]

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