Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Troll Adventure & History .... [part 1]

 (written on 5-23-21)

*Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own. (except the one I caption as being from Google) I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.
~ Nissa Rae

My boyfriend took me on an adventure to Bandy's Troll Haven near Sequim, Washington. 

The story I was told is that .... awhile ago - when Mr. Bandy moved here, he got the property and thought it would be perfect for a bed and breakfast on his 200-acre property. Some of the neighbors denied it due to not wanting to bring Lookie-Lous to the area. It's a nice quiet, peaceful neighborhood and they didn't want all the tourists to pour in.  So when he was denied, he decided to create something special with his property. 

So he created Troll Haven - bringing all the tourists in anyway.  And the neighbor who was most against the idea of a bed and breakfast....well, he put a troll facing their house giving them the middle finger. The neighbor is rumored to repeatedly break off the middle finger - ya know, a little destruction of property ...

I don't know how much - if any - of that is true, but it's a good story and I had to share it.

Mr. Gary Bandy, the creator of Troll Haven, moved to Washington from California.  He had a successful machine shop.... and he had invented a door hinge that was (is still?) used on most modern commercial airplanes such as Boeing. During his visits here in Washington, visiting Boeing, he became bewitched with the Washington countryside. He discovered the land he bought and built his home and other structures - erroneously thinking the surrounding area would enjoy it.  He had a great interest in the Tolkien Universe.  He carved most if not all of the carvings around the substantial property. 

Some neighbors didn't like his unique vision and creative flare. They didn't like the traffic and people it brought into their tranquil neighborhood.  To try to make it up to them, he built a beautiful two-storied fire station that was modeled after a Moorish castle.  This helped appease most of the community but the original complainants who shepherded the protests.  There were court findings that stated that since his trolls and the rest of his mystical menagerie complied with all the state and county ordinances, he had done nothing wrong, and that was supposed to be the end of it. Yet, those neighbors continued to harass him, 

Another property came up for sale and he bought it, building a beautiful and captivating house that he named "Neptune's Keep."  Those trollish neighbors finally stepped away from their harassment when they lost their view of the water of Discovery Bay. 

Troll Haven became a fixture in 1977. Through the years many of the trolls have been refurbished or moved deeper within the property.  Sadly, a lot of them have become victims to the elements.  There has been attempts to save them by refinishing them with fiberglass but even that has started to breakdown. One troll that he attempted to save became a safety hazard that he tried to remove with a crane and once it was lifted it turned into dust. 

Bandy considered starting a farm store in the mid-1990s using the items from the orchards, but - again - he got a lot of backlash from the community and so he gave up the idea.  

Regardless - the property now features all kinds of things.  Much of it is closed off to the public and there are "Private Property, No Trespassing" signs posted all over.  However - the road is public access and they don't frown on people taking pictures from the road as long as you are respecting fence lines and signs. 

I personally flagged someone down who was mowing the massive lawns and asked if they minded if I took photos and I was told that they don't mind at all but they greatly appreciated the fact that I asked.  

Though - the property has a vast collection of all things magical, it seems. There are dragons, elves, giants, vikings, witches and wizards.. and TROLLS of course.  The artwork is amazing....

There is a giant zen and garden with a giant ... Kokopelli  LOL... and hieroglyphic stones that tell a story around it. (Will be an entry) ...  

The orchards grow Apples, Cherries, Figs, Pears, and other fruits.  

Their annual harvest season farm festivities include a pumpkin patch, u-pick apples and pears, crafts, games, movies and the spooky. but family-friendly. haunted orchard.

I hope to go back for that!  

You can see a lot from the road but there are rental properties, buildings and areas that serve as sites for business retreats, gatherings, parties, reunions, and weddings - among other things.  You can find out more information HERE at

 SO let's get started ..... 

First thing I saw from a distance was the castle - and then my boyfriend pointed out the trolls and such, and I just wanted to squeal.  I pulled over and left him in the car, and just started walking and snapping.... 

Happy snapping.... 

I love everything - like fences and light posts and yeah .....  and BARNS - Oh my gosh... all of it... 

So here is a birdy on a fence .... 

I caught this Sparrow with a spider in it's beak.... I love her mohawk and her markings too

A little birdy snack going on today ......

So then, as I was walking down the quiet street ... this little nugget started to stalk me, and I didn't mind at all.  She has a collar and I tried to see if it had a name but she didn't like that at all so I stopped trying. 

She allowed me to pet her and even pick her up and hold her. She is a major cuddle bug.  So she's Nugget until I know otherwise ....

I wanted to take her home.  She is such a love bug!! 

I parked right by this amazing guy ... He's so handsome...  

So we're going to move on to PART 2 ..... The Troll Adventure .... [part 2]

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