Saturday, January 19, 2019

Jumping Around ...

Swiped off of Google, I'm taking zero credit

Hey everyone!  I know it's been a long time.  I am still working on things.  I've been pretty sick this year and we didn't really do a lot last summer - DB was in college and we were just .... meh ...  

But we're hoping to do more this year.  

Isn't it how when you are happy you actually want to get out and DO MORE?   Realize, huh ...  I was pretty unhappy in 2018 ....  (could probably be pin pointed to one person in our life and all the drama that came with it.) ...  

I'm trying to get more active on Instagram again and all that fun stuff - and I want to get THIS blog caught up on so that I can focus on new adventures!  

I am going to be jumping around more - I think - right now.  So I'm going to start to posting the entries on my Facebook instead of just waiting until it's done to share it.....  BECAUSE ... the whole reason I stopped was due to the fact that I had SEVERAL very picture heavy entries coming up and then I just got overwhelmed trying to collage them all and condense the amount of pictures!   Like one entry was well over 200 pictures and I got it down to just over 50 collages...  YAY ME!  But it took a lot of time and planning of the pictures... LOL ...  

So I figured I'd get to those picture heavy ones when I could really focus on them and getting the collages done, and do what I can when I can do them!  That well take that pressure off of me of doing them in order ...  cuz that's how I like to do things.  

Anyway - I hope you enjoy the blog! 

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