Saturday, February 12, 2011

Seattle Pacific Science Center

(written February 19, 2018) 
*Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own (unless otherwise captioned under). I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.

~ Nissa Rae

We finally made it to PSC and we were so excited to go in and see the Harry Potter Exhibit!  I think I might have been the most excited, but Noah was pretty close second, with Cal coming in third, I believe. Not sure if DB was all that excited, LOL.

I'll add the costs of visiting down at the bottom of the entry.  But let me tell you, it is 100% more economical for us to get a a membership because visiting one day at full cost, it costs about the same as getting a membership.  So yeah, definitely more worth it.

The Harry Potter traveling exhibit was amazing!! We weren't allowed to take photos inside the exhibit, and I wish we were. OMGosh there was sooooooo much cool going on!!!  We basically went on a "train" (room with train full wall video, train sounds) and we stepped off and into the castle... where the sorting hat sorted those that wanted to be.  Calahan and Noah both got sorted, they were both in Gryffindor.

We then got to see all kinds of amazing props and costumes, set pieces, I can't say it enough - it was truly AMAZING!!  Beyond AMAZING!

This was the second traveling exhibit I attended here... the first one was the >>> TITANIC <<< one in May 2001.  Both were epic, and I would go to either of them again if ever given the opportunity.

Of course - beyond the really super cool Harry Potter stuff which blew Noah's mind (well all of our minds) but Nathan was mostly interested in the Dinosaurs, and so was Noah .... but I think the dinos came second to Harry Potter that day for Noah...

On the  bottom right hand picture is some of the bones of the animations that control the dinosaurs in the exhibit ...

The boys in a "Dino Print"

This might sound stupid, but I think every mom ...  or every parent ... has this moment where they are watching their child be absolutely captivated about something, and it makes them so curious and wanting to learn and interested ...where they are just amazed...

Well this day, it was the Butterfly Exhibit for Bubba.  He was so amazed and captivated.  He was sper careful, made sure he wasn't  walking on an butterflies...  he would get super close to them and just watch them and smile and laugh in excitement.  I could have stayed in there all day with him.  Noah was the first to leave, he didn't like the heat (and he does have heat tolerance issues, as does Nathan, but Nathan was just terrified by the whole thing.  TERRIFIED) ...

But I let Kaedyn take his time, and Dennis and I just watched him be amazed,  I got teared up a few times just watching him.  Seriously teared up.

We all love the Pacific Science Center ...   the only thing I was disappointed with was when we went in May 2001, they had these supersized chairs that I really wanted to get pictures of the other kids in, but they were gone.

This is Calahan when he was 5, in May 2001 - that chairs I wanted to get pictures of the other kids on...

Otherwise it was a fantastic experience!

Here are the admission and membership prices.  I find it slightly hard to find...


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