Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Troll Adventure .... [part 2]

(written on 5-24-21)

*Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own. (except the one I caption as being from Google) I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.
~ Nissa Rae

If you want to read the history and ALL the fun stuff .... go check out The Troll Adventure & History ....  [part 1]

You can see a lot from the road but there are rental properties, buildings and areas that serve as sites for business retreats, gatherings, parties, reunions, and weddings - among other things.  You can find out more information HERE at

I loooooove barns!  

Confession:  If I ever got married again - which I doubt will ever happen - I would seriously want an Autumn barn wedding in October.  That's just the dream I have ....  I never got properly proposed to, or a "dream" wedding ....  so yeah - it'll never happen but it's nice to dream .....

Note: The molding around the windows and door are pretty cool!!

This - right here - is really what made me pull over.  My boyfriend knows how badly I want to take photos of covered bridges,  This isn't what I meant but it still made me sequel and go "A COVERED BRIDGE" .... yeah, it's still pretty cool.

So Troll Haven has a barn that they keep antique farm equipment and other stuff in (I couldn't get in - ya know, trespassing signs and all) ... but the barn is "held up" by four trolls on each corner .... I also had some friendly horses that came up to see me - well one did.... but it was funny, one time I was walking along the fence line and all the horses started to move with me  It was pretty great.

This guy looks like he's got a pretty bad headache......  just sayin' .....

NOTE: All the pillars around the barn have decretive markings.  Also the molding around the building framing the roof.  Pretty interesting!

This guy's head hurts so much that he has to hold his head...... and the molding around the roof. 

I noticed the cat weathervane and HAD to get a photo of it!

And the horses.....  I mean HORSES .....

Remember!!  If you started out here, be sure to check out the first part which is filled with the history!! Go check out The Troll Adventure & History ....  [part 1]

And a part three!!  The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 3]

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