Friday, August 20, 2010

Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain

(written on February 17, 2018)
*Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own (unless otherwise captioned under). I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.
~ Nissa Rae

One day in August my mom said to me.... "Hey, the Lady Washington is over at the Brownsville docks, do you want to go see?" then she added, "Lady Washington was in the Pirates of the Caribbean movie."   Of course Noah's head snapped around and he was all "What?" ... lol...  his favorite movies ever.  So of course we HAD to go ...

1993: The FIRST movie that the Lady Washington appeared in was the movie Star Trek: Generations, it appeared as the brig Enterprise on the holodeck which is the namesake of the Starship Enterprise.

In 2003 - Lady Washington sailed to the Caribbean to appear in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl where it protrayed the HMS Interceptor.  (The ship stolen by Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom)

She was also in:
  •  Disney's animated feature Treasure Planet as the basis for th e RLS Legacy
  •  Chinese immigrants were transported to America in the IMAX film The Great American West.
  • On the TV Miniseries Blackbeard she was a prominently featured ship. 
  • In Macklemore's "Can't Hold Us" music video 
  • In Once Upon A Time, she has been Captain Hook's ship the Jolly Roger. 
  • and more.... probably ... lol... 
First sailing partnership with Hawaiian Chieftain started in 1998

Lady Washington <------- Lots of info and history!
Hawaiian Chieftain <----- Lots of info and history!

Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain visit 40 to 50 ports a year in Washington, Oregon, and California, with occasional visits to British Columbia.

Donations ($5 suggested) are accepted for coming on the boats and touring it yourself.  You can go on an evening sail for about $50 per person.  There is also a longer passage to a connecting port that costs $100 per person, but you would have to figure out how to get home.  Most of the time, they also do a mock ship battle if both ships are together.  Some ports it's only one ship - either The Lady Washington OR the Hawaiian Chieftain.  So it's good to know  and keep an eye out to the ports near you!

You can check the SAILING SCHEDULE and plan your own trip to see this most amazing boat!

The Lady Washington is on the left and the Hawaiian Chieftain is to the right with the smaller mast

The Hawaiian Chieftain ...

The Lady Washington

The following photos are all aboard The Lady Washington....

This is a signed piece of the sign from the cast and crew of Pirates - no I didn't see Johnny Depp's signature...

Our whole family on The Lady Washington ....

The following photos are all aboard Hawaiian Chieftain...

We were all done so Daddy popped Bubba on his shoulders..

As we were walking back to the van, we saw a ton of Jellyfish in the water close to the surface of the water ....  that was pretty cool too!

A great little space to enjoy the boats and the water of the Brownsville Marina

The boats (at least the Lady Washington) tend to come down to our local area sometime in August.  It's not highly advertised.  So usually I have to look to find out the dates it'll be down here.

They don't charge admission onto the boat, BUT - they do ask for donations.

You can check the SAILING SCHEDULE and plan your own trip to see this most amazing boat!

We all give it THUMBS UP!!  Not only is it great to say "Hey, I've been on that boat" if you are a fan of any of the shows/movies it has been in ...  but it's also just really cool regardless!

Here is the Lady Washington in one of the scenes from the Pirates movie! 

swiped off of Google.... I take zero credit ...  


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