Sunday, May 15, 2011

Corey's Day On The Farm 2011

(written February 19, 2018) 
*Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own (unless otherwise captioned under). I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.

~ Nissa Rae

COREY'S DAY ON THE FARM  (2-days worth)

Corey's Day on the Farm is an amazing day that we look forward to EVERY SINGLE YEAR!  This was our very first year attending.

Corey's Day is a day for kids with medical issues to have a safe place where they can experience some of those fun farm things, and have a safe special day.  I say safe, because a lot of these kids need extra support, or even have the tendency to not be able to run/play/have fun without extra aides and things.  Not only that, but they get to experience riding horses, touching animals, taking hay rides (and for those in wheelchairs have access to do so!) ... there is popcorn, lunch (hot dogs, chips, a cookie), and sno-cones!  There is a souvenir photo, t-shirt, cowboy hat and sometimes ice cream! All of it is free of charge to the families but only special needs kids get to ride the horses.

If you ever get a chance to volunteer or fund raise for them, DO IT!!   I mean that is how much this day means to my family.  Not only my family, A LOT of families.

So this year (2011) ...  was our first year.  We had no idea what we were in for at the time.  But it ended up being AMAZING.   We also ended up going both days.  The Littles (Nathan and Kaedyn) went one of the two days, and the other day we thought Noah was going so we went back.


At the picture stations

Nathan's first horse right (like ever) and he was a NATURAL

The Petting Zoo


Horse ride #2 ...

Kaedyn did NOT want to go, but we managed to get him to, a nd then instantly regretted it.  We thought if he got on a horse and started going - he'd calm down....  yeah he didn't ...  but he got to ride with a Rodeo Princess!

The different kinds of Hay Rides...

We went on the Horse Drawn one ...


Kaedyn watching Nathan go one more time!

Nathan's 3rd Horse Ride....

They were exhausted and slept so good

Day TWO!

We thought that Noah was going to be here this day, but he wasn't ... which made me mad

I told Kaedyn he didn't have to go on a horse again this day ... but he did HAPPILY touch one!!  I mean that's a HUGE thing for him...

Nathan got his OWN Rodeo Princess!  ... I think it was the same one Kaedyn got the day before.  LOL ...

This is the Deputy and Diablo!

Another hay ride.

I didn't take as many photos as the day before.  We had come for Noah but he wasn't there and we didn't want to take up day two resources so we left.

This event, for us, is literally A MILLION THUMBS UP ...

THIS IS SOMETHING WE WOULD RECOMMEND AND WE WOULD DEFINITELY GO TO THIS EVENT AGAIN.  This is one of those events that we look forward to every single year. 

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