Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Troll Adventure .... [part 7]

    (written on 5-26-21)

*Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own. (except the one I caption as being from Google) I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.
~ Nissa Rae

If you want to read the history and ALL the fun stuff .... go check out The Troll Adventure & History ....  [part 1]

You can see a lot from the road but there are rental properties, buildings and areas that serve as sites for business retreats, gatherings, parties, reunions, and weddings - among other things.  You can find out more information HERE at

As we continued down the road FROM the beach - the main residence and farm is to the left and to the right is a Pub and the Castle.  

The entrance to the area is guarded by a Dragon.  We're going to name him Hector.  Hector is pretty beautiful.

This is looking into the area.  Bitty the troll is sitting there with his stick.  

While researching, I saw some photos of Bitty between two trees and by the water - so he's obviously been moved up into the public viewing world ...  Now he protects the Zen Garden....  with his stick!

And that is a very impressive stick! 

The Zen Garden has the feature of a Kokopelli (pronounced: kow·kuh·peh·lee) 

Apparently - the Kokopelli is both male and female - so IT is a pretty interesting deity!  And then I yelled at my boyfriend for taking me aroud a fertility deity because last time I was around a fertility something or other - I got pregnant with #2 ....

So around the Zen Garden are pillars of stones with hieroglyphics.  There is a larger stone by the entrance with the story of what the hieroglyphics mean. 

So I'll tell the story and then share the photos of the hieroglyphics as I went around the Zen Garden. 

In the beginning, before the world came to be as it is now, the Great Sky Chief looked down upon the Earth and saw that some things needed to be changed.  So he sent a messenger to travel the Earth and put things in order.  This messenger came to be known to the people as the "Charger".

The first change made by the Sky Chief's Messenger was to divide the day into two parts.  The first was to be ruled over by the Sun, the second part was to be ruled by the Moon.

At the time, all the animals walked upright like humans.  They lived in villages and acted just like people. There was a villiage of Deer People, a villiage of Grizzly Bear People, and a villiage of Mountain Goat People, etc.  The Changer saw that these animal people hand become too arrogant.  He decided that from then on, they would have to walk on all four legs, and would become game animals to help feed the humans.

But the humans proved to be helpless, and unable to catch the game animals.  To assure that they wouldn't starve, the Changer gave the digging stick to the women, and showed them how to gather roots and berries. Then he taught them how to make baskests to carry and store what they had gathered.  To the men he gave the spear and atlatl, and taught them how to use the bow and arrow.  He also told the dog to follow along and help people hunt.

As the Changer traveled to Earth, he came upon a boy who lived alone with his blind grandmother. This grandmother had made for her grandson a set of five blankets. The first one was woven from Blue Jay feathers, and was a beautiful blue color. Then there was a black one made from Raven feathers (this one was old and had many small holes in it). There was a white blanket made from winter ermine's fur, and finally, a blanket made from deer hides that had been painted red.

The boy gave his blankets to the Changer in trade for a bow and arrow.  The Changer took the Blue Jay blanket and tossed it into the air saying "This one will become the blue sky." Next, he threw the mouse skin blanket up and changed it into clouds. The Raven feather blanket was transformed into the night sky (the holes in this blanket became the stars).  The white ermine skin blanket became the winter snow sky, and the red painted blanket he tore into two pieces, the smaller piece was used for the sunrise sky and the larger piece for the sunset sky.

The Changer was so satisfied with the effect he had created with these blankets, that he decided to reward the blind grandmother who had made them.  He gave her supernatural power to "see".  She became known ever after as "She-Who_Watches", and she would provide a special guardian protection to those who sought her help.

The women were successful at using their new tools but the men still had trouble catching the game animals. So, Changer gave to the men a special "Dream Spirit Helper" to provide strength and guidance when hunting.

This worked so well, that humans began to get greedy, and would kill more than they could eat.  So the Changer put Big Horn Sheep and Mountain Goat up high in the mountains, and made Deer, Elk, and Bear hide in the forest.  From then on, people would have to work hard to get what they need,

As the Sky Chief's Messenger continued his travels he realized that the sky he had just created was too quiet.  Just at this time he came upon some noisy, gossipy people. So he cast them into the air, where they became the first birds.

Now the Zen Garden

Okay - so after we stopped at the beach (I swiped a couple of shells and a large drift wood because I'm going to make something with them at some point - I am a bad bad girl) .... we continued along the road.  Now, I have to be honest here.  We went around the front of the farm and then around to the beach - after the beach we continued around...  I saw the house that I believe to "Neptune's Keep" and gasped, and then continued driving, kicking myself for not taking photos of the house.  Then we continued, and we're halfway down a new fence line and I'm paying attention to other things - and my boyfriend says.... "Did you notice the posts?"  I turn and I gasp again! They are all carved, they are all different - I said ..."We're going all the way around again so I can take pictures" he snickers.  He's learned that I will do this - so he expected it - and he's super patient about it.  He knows how much happiness it brings me.  So we drove all the way around again and right after we pass the farm part of the property ..... I see something - in a field - out of the corner of my eye and I said "What is that?"  

Is it a dog?  No - I don't think so.....   my first thought was it is a fox, then I questioned if it was a coyote .... so yeah .... still sorta playing the "what is it?" game....  BUT ...let me tell you ...  I am leaning towards it being a fox ... the size was small, like a small/medium dog ... 

Remember!!  If you started out here, be sure to check out the first part which is filled with the history!! Go check out The Troll Adventure & History ....  [part 1]

There is a part two also!!  The Troll Adventure .... [part 2]

And a part three!!  The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 3]

Holy COW!  A part four! The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 4]

Yep.  Part five!    The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 5]

WOOT!  Part Six!  The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 6]


Don't be late! The END is part eight!!  The Troll Adventure  ....  [part 8]

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