Monday, February 19, 2018

So Excited To Do Some Planning!

Swiped off Google, I take no credit. 

I have been thinking about this coming Spring, Summer & Autumn ...

And I want to come up with a list of things that we want to do this year for traveling and/or adventures.

I kinda can't wait!

This blog is really making me want to do a lot more!!  Which is good for me, and my family!!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

I haven't forgotten ....

Snatched off of Google cuz it is cool .... 

I promise I have not forgotten this blog (or any of them) ...  besides juggling my life, I've been pretty violently sick ... yay for being better!!  The boys (the youngins) have had Strep Throat, the old one too actually.  Noah escaped it ...

I have been searching my Facebook and trying to locate ... at least ...  MOST of the adventures we've had since moving here to Washington State.  I may (at some point) and go back even further with the adventures...  but right now I'm focusing on only here.

Sadly ... through the years I have lost photos ...  so sometimes I only have what I can find that I've posted.  Sometimes they aren't very big.  Sometimes they aren't always clear.  Sometimes they have a child photo bombing with a tongue hanging out of their faces...   or some random person's head... I mean how rude can you be?  Do you not see me taking a picture...   get the flubber-ducking outta the way!

....  just kidding...  kinda ....

Regardless....  We're currently - now - in February 2018.  Noah's birthday was February 1st, my Mom's birthday was yesterday .... and I'm into August of 2013 and I'm almost up to 50 folders of entries so far.  Folders to not necessarily equal posts because I will post photo heavy posts, but some of these I really have to make multiple posts ... probably ...

I have a busy busy time ahead ... playing "catch up" on this blog...  but I'm really excited and can't wait to share it once I have it more put together!   Until then, if you stumble upon us, Welcome!  We're still a bit of a work in progress!