Thursday, January 25, 2018

So Excited!

Saved from Google

I got news that my best friend is going to come to WA later this summer.

I seriously cannot contain my excitement.  It’s bursting!

I have a group of girls that are my best friends.  So I have a few that I consider best friends and girls who are my soul sisters….  but this one, we have a really special and unique bond.  We met on the pregnancy message boards on AOL way back in the day!  We were both due with babies March of 2002.  But neither of us made it to March.  She had the second baby in the group, and I had the third baby.   Hers was born in January, and mine was born in February … (the first baby was born in December.)

But my sister has been to WA twice now and one of my other best friends!  But holy crap I can’t  even contain my excitement.

I am going to go through all my stuff and start posting things from where we’ve been and what we’ve done as a family.   Old and new places.

Hopefully it’s enjoyable.  I believe I’ll past date them to when it happened also.  That way it’s in chronological order ….

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