Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas from us to you!

(written on 7-27-18)
*Author’s Note: The photographs in this blog entry are all my own. (except the one I caption as being from Google) I respect that it may be easy to save them and print them on your own. But they are copyrighted and use of them is prohibited without my knowledge and consent. If you wish to use them, please send me an e-mail and we can discuss their use or purchase.  Thanks for your cooperation.
~ Nissa Rae

This is one of the few years that we took the kids to see Santa at the mall .... well we actually did it twice lol...  I went with the little boys one day and we hadn't planned it... and then went with all four boys ...

We put up our tree ....  💚💚
Put up our stockings and some decorations....

Christmas Eve we went to Nana and Papa's and had some snack/party food ...

The boys played in the leaves and Ashley had drawn snowmen on the window with window chalk ....

When we went home ..... we drove around and we looked at lights .... 

Then we put our Gingerbread house together...  before bed, waiting for a special visit .....  

Whoa!!  Who's at the door!?!?!  It's SANTA!!!  (aka Papa!) LOL .... 

One of the things we got for Christmas this year - from Auntie Jenna and fam - is our very own Elf on the Shelf!  The kids named him Cookie ....  we're looking forward to next year and the fun he may be getting into ..... 

Christmas morning .... infront of Nana & Papa's tree ....